A Stephen Ministry Congregation

Worship Jesus with us

Welcome to Cross

Worship Times

Worship Schedule:

9:00 AM - Bible Class (On Campus or *Online)
10:00 AM - Traditional Worship Service (On Campus or *Online)

Online Worship Links

You will hear and see that Jesus is at the center of everything we say and do. He loves you, and this Cross community is eager to help you encounter Him.

What happens on Sunday?

Worship Services

We would love to have you join us for worship on Sunday at 10am! Whether you worship with us online or on campus, you can count on some amazing things to be true: Jesus will be with you, you will hear the Word of God in what we say and sing, and the Good News of Jesus will be at the very center of our time together. If there is something you would like to know about the way we worship here at Cross, please reach out to our Pastor!

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We celebrate the Lord's Supper each Sunday at Cross at the 10am service. Communion is an amazing blessing to be celebrated by baptized Christians who have been instructed in the Bible's teachings about the Lord's Supper. Jesus is truly present in, with, and under the physical elements of bread and wine. He meant what He said on the night He instituted this holy meal; we receive His very body and blood from Him as a gift. We also believe that the Lord's Supper is a powerful statement of what a person believes, and that our unity of confession together is an important part of participating in this Sacrament. Our Pastors would be happy to talk with you about any questions you may have!

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Children have a special place in the heart of Jesus... and in the heart of our Cross family too. In addition to our fully accredited day school ministry, we also offer Sunday School each week (as well as other wonderful programs throughout the year). We also love to tell kids about Jesus during the worship service in a way that is especially for their young ears and hearts. As you might imagine, there are quite a few things that have to happen differently these days. Please be sure to visit our Reopening page as you plan to bring your family to worship and Sunday School!

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Bible Classes

We offer Bible classes on Sunday mornings at 9am. Spending time in God's Word is a vital part of our life together as a Cross Family. Our Bible Study videos premiere on both Facebook and YouTube each Sunday morning at 9am. Our small groups are also wonderful opportunities for God's people to spend time with one another and to grow in the Christian faith! If you would like to know more about this, please visit our small groups page on this website.

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Tacos and Coffee

We are excited to share a cup of coffee with you on Sunday morning before Bible Study. Coffee, donuts and tacos will be available in the Fellowship Hall. So grab a fresh cup and enjoy a much needed time of conversation. Sharing breakfast tacos and donuts with you is one of our favorite things.

Previous Sermons

Everything we believe and do at Cross begins with Jesus. He is the Living Word of God who saves us from sin, death, and the devil. This rescue is a pure gift for us; Christ has done for us what we could never do on our own. This truly is Good News for you, and it is the story we encounter in the Bible. We trust every word of the Scriptures as the perfect message for us from our perfect God. Each story and verse points us to Jesus, who is Himself both the Author and the Object of our faith.

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Meet our Pastor