For Cross Lutheran Church and School students and parents, the beginning of May indicates an approaching end. For most, it will feel impossible to believe that the 2021-2022 school year is coming to an end. As my own son approaches high school graduation, our schedule is full of awards ceremonies, banquets, and planning! Here at Cross, our students, parents, teachers, and all the rest of our staff are entering the final push before summer days enter our schedules.
Our theme this year was IN ALL THINGS. As our 8th graders prepare to leave our campus, we are confident that they are going with the knowledge and love of Christ IN ALL THINGS. We pray that they will see His hand at work in their lives throughout the coming years! As our 3rd Graders prepare to head across the small parking lot to the upper elementary/middle school building, they, too, will have an opportunity to look for Christ IN ALL THINGS! We pray that their transition will be a blessing to them. As some of our faculty and staff move on to other adventures through retirement or job changes, it’s good to be reminded that throughout their time here at Cross, we were blessed to see Christ in and through their work as He made Himself known to them IN ALL THINGS! We especially look at the ministries of Sharon Fraker, Sandy Gremmer, and Melanie Douglas as they retire from their school ministry calling to serve God in other ways. It’s difficult to put into words the tremendous blessing to their students and families they have been over the years! As our graduates move on to high school, we are mindful of the many hours, days, and years that the teachers, staff, parents, and others have poured into loving and nurturing these young people to this time in their lives. It’s especially important to remember that in a time filled with change, Jesus is in those things as well. We know even though lots of change might be in our futures, one thing doesn’t change: “Jesus is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8, ESV).
As one connected to Cross Lutheran Church and School, you have played a role in helping our students hear the lifesaving message of the Gospel each day. A school ministry such as ours takes a team of teachers, parents, principal, pastors, librarian, assistants, volunteers, and community members to make it work together and grow. Thank you for the part you’ve played in helping to train up children of Cross Lutheran School in the way they should go. The time, talents, treasures, and prayers you have lavished upon those affected by school ministry did not go unnoticed. Our students and all those gathered to support them throughout the school year have been blessed by you.
Throughout this year, we have meditated on Paul’s words, “and He is before all things. And in Him, all things hold together” (Colossians 1:17, ESV). We repeated these words as we applied them to the way we live out our servant-leader approach to ministry as God’s dearly loved children. We made a concerted effort to help our youngsters and their families see how we can see Jesus IN ALL THINGS.
We couldn’t have done any of what we do so well in our School Ministry without the love, prayers, and support of people just like you. You have blessed our team of staff and volunteers to be a blessing. You have gotten involved and shared your treasures because you know the value of sharing Jesus with young people and their families. Thank YOU! Our School Ministry Team is grateful for your partnership in the Gospel. As this next month flies by and we race into Summer Break, keep our Ministry Team, our students, and all of their families in your thoughts and prayers!
In Him Who is In All Things,
Corey Brandenburger
Mark Your Calendars!:
Spring Gala @ Fiddler’s Gruene.................................................................................................................. May 14
Cross Lutheran Field Day............................................................................................................................ May 20
8th Grade Graduation Parade (Drive by Cross and Celebrate!).................................................. May 25 (6:30pm)
8th Grade Graduation Service.......................................................................................................... May 25 (7pm)
Last Day of School....................................................................................................................................... May 26