A Stephen Ministry Congregation

From the Principal: March 2022

by Corey Brandenburger on March 01, 2022

As I write my article this month, the wind is blustering outside my office windows.  It’s a reminder that spring is on its way, and spring means an opportunities for kites (and Cross Lutheran Eagles) to SOAR!


S is for Savior:  Our school ministry is uniquely Lutheran.  That is, we use our school ministry as an opportunity to share a proper distinction between Law and Gospel each day as students learn God’s Word and how to apply it to their daily lives.  Connecting people to God’s Word and sacraments is who we are and what we do!  And we do it because we have a Savior who has urged us to go and make disciples—so we do! 


O is for Opportunities: Our school classrooms can only hold about 24 students.  That means, our school has the unique opportunity to be a place where students not only can receive one on one attention, but they also have the challenge of learning to work together and develop social skills that will carry them into high school and beyond.  As we continue to grow, new students mean new challenges for how to use our space and provide the kind of services students and families need.  It also means new opportunities to live out our congregation’s understanding of what it means to be One in Mission.


A is for Academic Excellence:  Though our school serves a wide variety of learners with a wide variety of learning abilities, we continue to produce graduates that are well-prepared for high school success.  Cross graduates currently occupy top ten spots in our local high schools.  This is a testament to the teachers at Cross that have worked hard to ensure that our students were well-prepared for tomorrow with a Christ-centered education today. 


R is for Relationships:  One of the strengths of our School Ministry is the strong parent involvement we experience here.  As we continue to find ways to ease into a greater parent presence on campus, we are aware of the important role that parents and other volunteers play in the success of Cross Lutheran School Ministry.  Consider adding your time and talent to the mix.  As a safety precaution, please note that all of our volunteers must pass a background check.


God has truly blessed our school ministry.  Your continued prayers, volunteer hours, and financial support as a congregation are critical to maintaining this important ministry.  Your regular sharing of our school ministry throughout the community not only helps maintain our programs but has encouraged and allowed them to grow.  We invite you to find out more about our school ministry as you seek to share it with the community.  If you have any questions our would like to know more about our school ministry, please connect with a staff member.  Courtney Mann, our Director of Enrollment is always looking forward to meeting new families and introducing them to our School Ministry Team.  You can also point people to our website: www.crossnbtx.org  It’s a great resource for Church and School ministry information and opportunities.  Thank you for your part in our ministry and for helping our Eagles truly SOAR!


Yours in Christ,

Corey Brandenburger, Principal


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