“Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful….” –
Matthew 25:21 – ESV
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I greet you as we enter into the summer months! I do love the rhythm of summer! In some wonderful ways, it is a slower pace. But—life being what life is these days—there’s some bustle and hustle and lots of gatherings and travel for Sharon and me as well. To be sure, we are praising God, from Whom all blessings flow.
I also want to share appropriate appreciation, love, and thanks to a couple people. The first one is Mr. Glen Hendricks. Since my arrival in 1998, I have known Glen to be a humble servant here at Cross to whom I could go with any question or need. After all that time (which I know began before my arrival) Glen is stepping away from his multi-hat responsibilities here, and I want to use this space to say, thank you, dear brother in Christ, for your service to the Lord and to His congregation at Cross! Here are some of the things I and we have relied upon Glen to handle, supervise, and care for. The list is l-o-n-g and important: Glen has provided tremendous leadership and service with our technology, fire and alarm systems, door mechanical problems, telephone systems, supervising running cable throughout our buildings, being the late-night person “on call”, and much, much more! And he always did these things with patience, grace, and his characteristic smile. Again, thank you, Glen, and may the Lord richly bless you now and always!
The second person I highlight is Trixy Bailey. Trixy is in her sixth year serving as our church secretary—which is a role probably more accurately titled: Administrative Assistant. Trixy’s husband, Chuck, has taken a vocation that means a relocation! Later this summer the Baileys will be moving to Langley, Virginia. In spite of my pleading—Trixy says that’s just too far to commute! So, we will bid a very fond farewell to she who has done a marvelous job serving the Lord and His people—especially we Administrators whom she has so ably, deftly and wonderfully Assistant-ed! In all sincerity, I thank you, Trixy, for your service to me and the Cross Family through the last five plus years—and pray that the Lord will continue to richly guide and bless you, and protect you as you relocate to your new home.
We continue our June/July practice: We’re saving some paper & postage by combining the June & July editions of this Cross Ties Newsletter. So, you’ll find both June and July calendars included, and a doubling-up on lists like Birthdays & Anniversaries—as well as both June and July Sunday Morning SERVICE Schedules. Please be sure to note that!! The August edition will return with its full issue of news, articles, schedules, and more.
Finally, it is the constantly-streaming presence of God’s love in Christ—flowing to us in Word & Sacraments—that makes us glad, not only in the summer, but every day of the year! To love and believe in Him is to be here in His house every opportunity we are given. That’s why I say, again and always: See you in church!
In the name of Christ, in Whom we are one,
Pastor Don Fraker – Colossians 3:15